mercredi 13 novembre 2013

Ayurveda massage

Ayurvedic massage is a key element of traditional indian medicine (Ayurveda).

Application of warm, medicated oil on the whole body nourishes the tissues and brings a soothing effect to the mind... Gentle manipulations restore mobility of the joints... Deep tissue massage undo muscle contraction...

... The result...

real well-being 

reconnection to your true nature

mind in rest 
body on holiday!

Lise Noel has been trained in Kerala under guidance of traditional indian masters over 10 years.

A former professional athlete, martial art practionner and life-long yoga student, Lise shares her unique knowledge of ayurvedic medicine throught her massage practice, at her studio , or, at your request, at your home or holiday place.

Lise also teaches private massage courses to those who wish to learn more about these traditions.

Le massage ayurvédique

Le massage ayurvédique est un élément clé de la médecine traditionnelle indienne (Ayurvéda).

L'application d'huile tiède sur tout le corps nourrit les tissus et apporte chaleur et réconfort... Les manipulations douces libèrent les articulations... Le massage profond dénoue les muscles contractés...

...le résultat...

un bien être réel
une reconnection à soi... 

l'esprit au repos
le corps en liberté!

Lise Noel a été formée au Kérala auprès de maitres Indiens pendant près de 10 ans.

Ancienne sportive de haut niveau, passionnée de yoga et d'arts martiaux, Lise partage son expérience unique de la médecine ayurvédique au travers des soins qu'elle propose à son cabinet ou, sur demande, à votre domicile.

Lise transmet également sa passion du massage à celles et ceux qui désirent se former à ces techniques traditionnelles.

mardi 12 novembre 2013

Yoga massage

Yoga Massage is a therapeutic, supported form of holistic bodywork, with roots in the ancient Indian tradition of yoga.

Every session is specifically designed to care for the unique needs of each individual.

The therapy starts with slow, deep acupressure work along the energy meridians to stimulate the flow of healing-life energy in the entire body.

Precise, yet intense yogic stretches are then applied to release blockages in the spine and tightness in the muscles and joints.

A session of Yoga Massage provides one with a profound sense of ease and overall well being as well as many therapeutic benefits...

increased energy level

enhanced function of organs and elimination of toxins

freedom of joints

reduced pain in spine and joints

improved overall and local flexibility

...deep relaxation of body and mind...

Yoga Massage is suitable for all, as the practitioner is able to tailor the session according to one’s specific condition and needs.

For yoga practitioners, sessions may also be designed to explore and deepen specific yoga poses with which one may experience difficulties, such as forward bends, twists, hip openers, and more!!!

lundi 11 novembre 2013

Lise Noel

Ayurveda & Yoga for life

Lise Noel has been trained in India under guidance of traditional masters over 10 years.

She started her study of medicine with Govindankutti Nair Gurukkal of Thiruvanantapuram,  who initiated her in the art of kalarippayattu (south indian martial art) and kalarichikitsa (therapy). 

After her first teacher passed away, Lise pursued an intensive training in kalari massage and ayurvedic treatments with Vinayan Kumar Gurukkal of Trichur.

A former professional rock climber, Lise met hatha yoga while traveling and rock climbing around the world. Since this first encounter, she devoted most of her time to the practice and study of the various paths of yoga, which led her to India where she later discovered the art of natural medicine.

Lise shares her unique knowledge of ayurvedic medicine and holistic bodywork since 2007.
She has been teaching and giving massage in Switzerland, Norway, France, India, Thailand and the US.

Lise is available for individual therapeutic sessions, based on ayurvedic massage as well as yoga massage.

Sessions run between 1h to 2h30:
-check up and assessment of individual needs
-body work (minimum 1h)
-integration and, if needed, personnal health advices (yoga, food...)